Nationality: Not known
Born: Unknown
Producer. Vaughan-Barratt has worked in theatre for Fiery Angel Limited, Jagged Fence Ltd, and The Production Works. She has worked since January 2013 as a producer at the Ambassador Group (LinkedIn).
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Production | Producer
Production | Producer
Production | Producer
Notes: Listed in programme as season producer.
Production | Producer
Notes: For the Jamie Lloyd Company.
Production | Producer
Notes: Listed in programme as season producer.
Production | Producer
Notes: For the Jamie Lloyd Company.
Production | Producer
Notes: Listed in programme as 'season producer'.
Production | Producer
Notes: Listed in programme as 'producer for the Jamie Lloyd Company'.
Production | Producer
Notes: Listed in programme as 'season producer'.
Production | Producer
Notes: For the Jamie Lloyd Company.
No Linked People have been added to this person record yet.
No award have been added to this person record yet.
No resources have been added to this person record yet.
Accessed 31 October 2018.