Mountain Language (Harold Pinter Theatre / Pinter One)
Mountain Language (Harold Pinter Theatre / Pinter One)

Mountain Language (Harold Pinter Theatre / Pinter One) (2018)

Mountain Language (Harold Pinter Theatre / Pinter One)

Mountain Language (1988)

Multi-part Production Pinter One
Part No 4
Date from

6 September 2018

Date to

20 October 2018

The running order of Pinter One was: Press Conference, Precisely, The New World Order, Mountain Language, American Football, The Pres and the Officer, Death, One for the Road (interval) Ashes to Ashes.

No of Performances Unknown
Language English


Harold Pinter Theatre (Est. 1881)

06-Sep-2018 to 20-Oct-2018

Linked Productions

Press Conference / Pinter One (Harold Pinter Theatre) (2018)


Precisely / Pinter One (Harold Pinter Theatre) (2018)


The New World Order (Harold Pinter Theatre / Pinter One) (2018)


American Football / Pinter One (Harold Pinter Theatre) (2018)


The Pres and an Officer (Premiere: Harold Pinter Theatre / Pinter One) (2018)


Death / Pinter One (Harold Pinter Theatre) (2018)


One for the Road (Harold Pinter Theatre / Pinter One) (2018)


Ashes to Ashes (Harold Pinter Theatre / Pinter One) (2018)


Linked People

Jamie Lloyd (1980)

Creative | Director

Soutra Gilmour

Creative | Set Designer

Jon Clark

Creative | Lighting Designer

Soutra Gilmour

Creative | Costume Designer

George Dennis

Creative | Sound Designer

Joe Lichtenstein

Creative | Associate Director

Rachel Wingate

Creative | Associate Designer

Linked Organisations

The Ambassador Theatre Group (Production Company | Est. Unknown)

39-41 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0AR, England


Benjamin Lowy Productions (Production Company | Est. Unknown)


Gavin Kalin Productions (Production Company | Est. Unknown)

QP/ Phar 3rd Floor 9 Whitehall, London SW1A 2DD, England


Glass Half Full Productions (Production Company | Est. Unknown)



Sergeant (Age: Not specified, Male)

Performer: Jonjo O'Neill (1978)

Young Woman (Age: Not Specified, Female)

Performer: Kate O'Flynn (1986)

Officer (Mountain Language) (Age: Not Specified, Male)

Performer: Paapa Essiedu (1990)

Prisoner (Age: Not specified, Male)

Performer: Paapa Essiedu (1990)

Hooded Man (Age: Not specified, Male)

Performer: Jonathan Glew

Elderly Woman (Age: Not Specified, Female)

Performer: Maggie Steed (1946)

Guard (Mountain Language) (Age: Not specified, Male)

Gambon's performance was pre-recorded and broadcast during the performance. Listed in programme as 'the voice of michael gambon' [sic.].

Linked Awards

No award have been added to this production record yet.


No resources have been added to this production record yet.


Mountain Language Production Programme

Pinter One Production Programme

Theatre programme

Information about linked persons, performers and linked organisations taken from programme.