Date from |
17 March 2017
Date to |
1 April 2017
No of Performances | Unknown |
Language | English |
17-Mar-2017 to 01-Apr-2017
No linked Production have been added to this production record yet.
Creative | Director
This role was the culmination of a placement under the Regional Theatre Young Director Scheme.
Creative | Set Designer
No Linked organisations have been added to this production record yet.
Emma 38 at the beginning of the play, and her age changes as the time period moves more or less backward from 1977 to 1968
Performer: Kemi Bo-Jacobs
Jerry is 40 at the beginning of the play, and his age changes as the time period moves more or less backward from 1977 to 1968.
Performer: Philip Correia
Performer: Ben Addis
Waiter implies a man.
Performer: Matthew Curnier
No award have been added to this production record yet.
Type: Review
Type: Social media
External Link:
Information about cast and director taken from Pat Ashworth's review for The Stage, ‘An Assured and Impressive Debut’, 22/3/2017 [accessed 9 February 2018].