Browse Productions

Below is a list of all the productions that are linked in the database. The ambition of this database has been to include entries for every professional production in the UK of a play by Harold Pinter between 1957 and 2020. Exceptions to the UK rule are of productions that toured between countries, or of significant premieres (three of Pinter's plays premiered outside of the UK). For a list of premieres, click here ('World premiere' indicates that the play was performed outside the UK before its first UK production).

We have also included some significant amateur, semi-professional and community theatre productions of Pinter's works. 

Included under 'productions' here are all the films for which Pinter wrote a screenplay, or in which he acted, and all broadcasts of his works on television and radio (or those in which he performed). 

You can browse, or filter these productions alphabetically, or by year of production/broadcast/release, or you might simply search works using the box up to the right. 

The 'refine by year' option operates on the alphabetical choice that is selected - select 'all' to filter all productions by year. 

If you think you can help us with any production data that you think is inaccurate, or which we are missing, please do get in touch

Silence (Aldwych Theatre) (Stage Production)

Browse Data

Silence (Belgrade Theatre Coventry) (Stage Production)

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Silence (Citizens) (Stage Production)

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Silence (Gordon Craig Theatre) (Stage Production)

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Silence (The Other Room) (Stage Production)

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Silence (People's Theatre, Newcastle) (Stage Production)

Browse Data