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Below is a list of all the people that we have listed in the database. 

You can browse, or filter these person entries alphabetically by surname, or by year of birth, or you might simply search for people by name using the box up to the right. 

The 'refine by year' option operates on the choice that is selected and finds people by year of birth - select 'all' to filter all people by year of birth. 

Within each person entry we have linked people if they are related or married (or have been married) only where both persons are contained in the database and where such connections are public. 

You can go directly to Harold Pinter's own entry here.

If you think you can help us with any information on anyone who was involved in a professional production/broadcast/film of Pinter's work, or if you find information here which you believe to be inaccurate, please do get in touch

Michael Taylor

Set and costume designer. Taylor has worked extensively in theatre.
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Mark Taylor-Batty (1966)

Academic, actor, director. Mark is a senior lecturer in Theatre Studies at the Workshop Theatre, Uni...
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Owen Teale (1961)

Actor. Teale has worked extensively in television and theatre and in film.
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Hallam Tennyson (1920 - 2005)

Radio producer and writer. The great-grandson of the Poet Laureate Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Hallam joi...
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Hazel Terry (1918 - 1974)

Actor known for Sweet Devil (1938), Torpedoed (1937) and The Prisoner of Corbal (1936).
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Nigel Terry (1945 - 2015)

Actor for stage, and in many historical dramas on film. Known for his portrayal of King Arthur in Ex...
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Luke Thallon

Actor. Thallon has worked in theatre and film.
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