Kate Salberg

Ms Kate Salberg (Female)

Nationality: Not known

Born: Unknown

Stage and company manager. Salberg has worked in stage management at The Old Vic, The National Theatre (at its inception in its new South Bank home), The Young Vic and The Royal Court Theatre.

Training and Education

No training and education have been added to this person record yet.

Other Names

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No Man's Land (Premiere: Wyndham's) (1975)

Technical | Assistant Stage Manager


Blithe Spirit (1976)

Technical | Assistant Stage Manager


Linked People

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Linked Awards

No award have been added to this person record yet.


Ms Salberg's personal website (URL)

Type: Website

External Link: http://katesalberg.co.uk

Ms Salberg's Twitter account (URL)

Type: Social media

External Link: https://twitter.com/katesalberg1


Kate Salberg personal website



Accessed 15 December 2017.