Date from |
13 May 1985
Date to |
No of Performances | Unknown |
Touring | Yes |
Language | English |
Previews: 26, 27, 28/06, 1, 3, 4, 5 and 8/07. Opening night: 9/07. Evening performances at 19:30.
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Creative | Director
Creative | Set Designer
Creative | Lighting Designer
Creative | Costume Designer
Creative | Composer
Creative | Voice/Dialect Coach
Creative | Playwright
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'He's in his late twenties and his face looks slightly older than that' (Sweet Bird of Youth, p. 14).
Performer: Michael Beck (1949)
Performer: Lauren Bacall (1924 - 2014)
Performer: Johnny Worthy
'about thirty-six or -seven.' (Sweet Bird of Youth, p. 15)
Performer: Colin Reese
Performer: James Grout (1926 - 2012)
Referred to as Dan Hatcher in play text. '[A]bout CHANCE'S age' (Sweet Bird of Youth, p. 98).
Performer: Michael Shevelew
Performer: Simon Rouse (1951)
Performer: Alice Drummond (1928 - 2016)
Performer: Geraldine Alexander
'an old colored manservant' (Sweet Bird of Youth, p. 66).
Performer: Willie Payne (1923 - 2017)
Performer: Christopher Cooper (1951)
Performer: Frances Cuka (1936 - 2020)
Performer: Jay Benedict (1951)
Performer: Jane Picking
Performer: Tacye Nichols
Performer: Ian Morton
Performer: Michael Shallard (1951)
Performer: David Owen
Referred to as 'Pageboy' in play text (Sweet Bird of Youth, p. 95).
Performer: Herbert Norville (1967)
Performer: David Cunningham
Performer: Andrew Roberts
Performer: Martin Aylott
Performer: Lynn Grant
Performer: Nicholas Brent (1918 - 2003)
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Accessed 16 May 2018.
The British Library Modern Manuscripts, The Harold Pinter Archive, Add MS 88880/12/18, no ff
Library archive
Information about dates of opening nights and transfers and performance times taken from entries for May and June.