Channel | BBC Two |
Broadcast Date | 11 November 1988 |
Broadcast time | 22:15:00 |
Length (minutes) | 20 |
Black and White | No |
Series | Unknown |
Episode | |
Broadcast Notes | |
Description | BBC production of Mountain Language by Harold Pinter, with the cast from the National Theatre production which premiered some months earlier. |
Language | English |
No linked Production have been added to this production record yet.
Creative | Director
Creative | Designer
Production | Producer
South Bank, London SE1 9PX, England
Performer: Anthony Askew
Performer: Alex Hardy
Performer: George Harris (1949)
Performer: Tony Haygarth (1945 - 2017)
Performer: Douglas McFerran (1958)
Performer: Miranda Richardson (1958)
Performer: Julian Wadham (1958)
Performer: Elizabeth Archer
Performer: Jean Channon (1932 - 2007)
Performer: Samantha David
Performer: Cryss Jean Healey
Performer: Anne Priestley
Performer: Keely Marshall
Performer: Jennifer Hill
Performer: Anne Higgins
Performer: Pauline Lewis-John
Performer: Charlotte Kasner
Performer: Alec Gifford
Performer: Michael Gambon (1940 - 2023)
No award have been added to this production record yet.
Type: DVD
External Link:
This broadcast is included in the 2019 BFI/BBC box set.
Type: Broadcast
External Link:
BBC Archives
Radio Times, 8 December 1988
article, p. 27; listing, with image, p. 47; poem, p. 102