Channel | BBC Third Programme |
Broadcast Date | 29 August 1964 |
Broadcast time | 21:50:00 |
Length (minutes) | 20 |
Series | Unknown |
Episode | |
Description | Pinter reads his short story Tea Party. This is a prose work, distinct from the dramatic script that would subsequently be made of it, which received a television production on BBC1 the following year under the European Broadcasting Union's banner the Largest Theatre in the World. Martin Esslin in his Pinter the Playwright (London: Methuen Drama, 2000) gives the broadcast date of 2 June 1964, as does William Baker in his A Harold Pinter Chronology (London: Palgrave, 2013). However, we can find no BBC source that confirms this date, and the only broadcast dates given for this reading of the short story are 29 August 1964 (on the Third Programme), and a repeat on 16 September 1964 (on Network Three) at 22:45. |
Language | English |
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Creative | Reader
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Radio Times, 27 August 1964, p. 13
R19/1557 The Tea Party, 1963-65
Archival materials
Includes typescript of the work as read on radio.