Date from |
7 May 1991
Date to |
No of Performances | Unknown |
Touring | Yes |
Language | English |
07-May-1991 to 11-Jun-1991
14-May-1991 to 18-May-1991
21-May-1991 to 25-May-1991
Uncertain if this was the Bradford venue
03-Jun-1991 to 08-Jun-2020
07-May-1991 to 11-May-1991
14-Jun-1991 to 18-Jun-2020
20-Jun-1991 to 14-Sep-1991
Preview on 18 June.
No linked Production have been added to this production record yet.
Creative | Director
Creative | Set Designer
Creative | Lighting Designer
Creative | Sound Designer
Creative | Costume Designer
No Linked organisations have been added to this production record yet.
Aston's brother
Performer: Peter Howitt (1957)
Mick's brother
Performer: Colin Firth (1960)
Wasn't Present
Described as 'an old man'
Performer: Donald Pleasence (1919 - 1995)
No award have been added to this production record yet.
No resources have been added to this production record yet.
No sources have been added to this production record yet.