The Dwarfs [extract]
The Dwarfs [extract]

The Dwarfs [extract] (1990)

The Dwarfs [extract]

The Dwarfs [radio script] (1960)

Channel BBC Radio 3
Broadcast Date 7 October 1990
Broadcast time 20:55:00
Length (minutes) 5
Series Unknown
Description Part of Radio 3's 'Harold Pinter at 60--A Birthday Party' series of programmes.
Language English

Linked Productions

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Linked People

Harold Pinter (1930 - 2008)

Creative | Script Editor

And reader.

Linked Organisations

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) (Cultural Institution | Est. 1922)


No characters have been added to this production record yet.

Linked Awards

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The Dwarfs (listing)

Radio Times, 4 October 1990, p. 68
