
Landscape (1995)


Landscape (1967)

Channel BBC Two
Broadcast Date 21 October 1995
Broadcast time 21:00:00
Length (minutes) 40
Black and White No
Series Performance
Broadcast Notes

Description Landscape was presented as first in a double bill of plays in the Performance strand alongside the drama Bed by Jim Cartwright. A note on the script: the work here is a stage play that is being relayed on television. We are unaware of any differences in dialogue between the broadcast text and the published text of the play. A television script would have been prepared for the broadcast, but we are not aware of any archival resource that has retained this to consult. A copy of this recording is available to watch on YouTube. It is unclear if this is a licensed copy.
Language English

Linked Productions

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Linked People

Harold Pinter (1930 - 2008)

Creative | Director

Simon Curtis (1960)

Production | Producer

Linked Organisations

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) (Cultural Institution | Est. 1922)


Beth (Landscape) (Age: late forties, Female)

Performer: Penelope Wilton (1946)

Duff (Age: early fifties, Male)

Performer: Ian Holm (1931 - 2020)

Linked Awards

No award have been added to this production record yet.


No resources have been added to this production record yet.



Radio Times19 October 1995


Brief article, p. 78; listing, with photographic image, p. 80.