Channel | BBC One |
Broadcast Date | 21 October 1988 |
Broadcast time | 22:20:00 |
Length (minutes) | |
Black and White | No |
Series | Unknown |
Episode | |
Broadcast Notes | |
Description | Programme description: "Harold Pinter is best known for his enigmatic 'comedies of menace', but in this rare and outspoken interview with Anna Ford, he talks about the political issues which passionately concern him today. Pinter explains how his political and artistic interests have come together in his new play, Mountain Language, which has just opened at the National Theatre. Pinter now reveals that even in his early plays, like The Birthday Party, there is a strong political element, based on his lifelong concern for the plight of the individual in an authoritarian society - a concern which is particularly acute at the present, when 'the tide of censorship in this country is insidious, like the poison gas in World War 1'." |
Language | English |
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Creative | Interviewer
Creative | Interviewee
Creative | Director
Creative | Film Editor
Creative | Editor
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No award have been added to this production record yet.
Type: Interview
External Link:
Part of the Anna Ford interview was printed in The Listener. Available via some libraries, or for private subscription, via the given URL