The Envy of the World
The Envy of the World

The Envy of the World (1996)

The Envy of the World

Interview (Radio)

Channel BBC Radio 3
Broadcast Date 29 November 1996
Broadcast time 17:45:00
Length (minutes)
Series Unknown
Description Programme description: In the first of three documentaries charting the history of the Third Programme and Radio 3, Humphrey Carpenter investigates the origins of the Third in the aftermath of the Second World War. In an interview that has never before been broadcast, director general William Haley outlines his vision of a network with no regular programmes, no news bulletins and no fixed points. Listeners including Peter Maxwell Davies and Harold Pinter remember how the Third changed their lives, and former controller Harman Grisewood reflects on an early complaint about "vulgarisation" - from EM Forster.
Language English

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Linked People

Harold Pinter (1930 - 2008)

Creative | Interviewee

Humphrey Carpenter

Creative | Presenter

John Goudie

Production | Producer

William Haley

Creative | Director

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