Channel | Unknown |
Broadcast Date | 21 January 1997 |
Broadcast time | 23:15:00 |
Length (minutes) | |
Black and White | No |
Series | Unknown |
Episode | |
Broadcast Notes | |
Description | Programme description: Jeremy Isaacs opens a six-part series of interviews with guests from the arts and media by talking with playwright Harold Pinter. The writer speaks about his childhood in London's Hackney, and images and events which have inspired some of his most powerful dramas. |
Language | English |
No linked Production have been added to this production record yet.
Creative | Interviewer
Creative | Interviewee
Production | Producer
Creative | Editor
No Linked organisations have been added to this production record yet.
No characters have been added to this production record yet.
No award have been added to this production record yet.
Type: DVD
External Link:
This broadcast is included, as one of the 'special features' in the 2019 BFI/BBC box set.