Art, Truth and Politics
Art, Truth and Politics

Art, Truth and Politics (2005)

Art, Truth and Politics

Art, Truth and Politics (2005)

Channel More4
Broadcast Date 7 December 2005
Broadcast time
Length (minutes) 46
Black and White No
Series Unknown
Broadcast Notes

Description "Art, Truth and Politics" is the Nobel Lecture delivered on video by Harold Pinter for the 2005 Nobel Laureate in Literature award. Pinter delivered the speech via video as he was hospitalised in England at the time. The lecture was simultaneously broadcast to the Swedish Academy audience and on Channel 4's More 4 channel.
Language English

Linked Productions

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Linked People

Harold Pinter (1930 - 2008)

Creative | Reader

David Hare

Creative | Introduction

David Hare introduced Pinter's speech for More 4.

Linked Organisations

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No characters have been added to this production record yet.

Linked Awards

No award have been added to this production record yet.


Text of the speech, Nobel Prize Website (URL)

Type: URL

External Link:

Harold Pinter photo gallery, Nobel Prize Website (Image)

Type: Image

External Link:

A photo gallery of the broadcast on the Nobel website

Harold Pinter Nobel lecture, Nobel Prize Website (Video)

Type: Broadcast

External Link:

The full lecture, as broadcast, on the Nobel Prize website.

