Date from |
26 March 1947
Date to |
28 March 1947
No of Performances | 3 |
Language | English |
26-Mar-1947 to 28-Mar-1947
No linked Production have been added to this production record yet.
Creative | Director
Producer: high school performance.
Pinter's first acting role, in this high school production.
Performer: Harold Pinter (1930 - 2008)
Performer: Ronald Percival
Performer: Barry Supple (1930)
Performer: Henry Woolf (1930 - 2021)
No award have been added to this production record yet.
Type: Archival holding
Contains: ‘Macbeth performed by Hackney Downs School Dramatic Society, 26, 27 and 28 Mar 1947. Produced by Mr. J. Brearley. Cast includes Harold Pinter as Macbeth, and Henry Woolf as First Apparition (names underlined in the programme).‘
William Baker, A Harold Pinter Chronology (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), p.3.
Academic book
'Harold Pinter, 'A Speech of Thanks', Various Voices, further revised edition, London: Faber and Faber, 2009, pp. 69-73.
Public speech
Pinter recalls being cast as Macbeth, and wearing his contemporary major-general uniform home on the 38 bus after rehearsals (p. 71).