Channel | BBC Television |
Broadcast Date | 13 April 1959 |
Broadcast time | 20:00:00 |
Length (minutes) | 30 |
Black and White | No |
Series | Unknown |
Episode | 2 |
Broadcast Notes | Part two of eight episodes. |
Language | English |
Creative | Dramatist
Production | Producer
Technical | Photography
Creative | Film Editor
Technical | Fight Co-Ordinator
Creative | Designer
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Performer: Margaret Tyzack
Performer: Pat Pleasance
Performer: Margaret Dale
Performer: William Lucas
Performer: Bernard Kay
As David Baron.
Performer: Harold Pinter (1930 - 2008)
As David Baron.
Performer: Harold Pinter (1930 - 2008)
Performer: Anthony Booth
Performer: Paul Garner
Performer: Terry Baker
Performer: Barry Foster (1931 - 2002)
Performer: Manning Wilson
Performer: David Peel
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