The Rear Column
The Rear Column

The Rear Column (1980)

The Rear Column

The Rear Column (1978)

Channel BBC One
Broadcast Date 13 April 1980
Broadcast time 20:05:00
Length (minutes) 130
Black and White No
Series Unknown
Broadcast Notes

Language English

Linked Productions

The Rear Column (1978)


Linked People

Harold Pinter (1930 - 2008)

Creative | Director

Louis Marks (1928 - 2010)

Production | Producer

Eileen Diss (1931)

Creative | Set Designer

Dennis Channon

Creative | Lighting Designer

Stuart Griffiths

Creative | Script Editor

Simon Gray (1936 - 2008)

Creative | Author (original play)

Gray worked on the adaptation for television

Linked Organisations

No Linked organisations have been added to this production record yet.


Barttelot (Age: Not specified, Male)

Performer: Barry Foster (1931 - 2002)

Troup (Age: Not specified, Male)

Performer: Clive Francis

Bonny (Age: Not specified, Male)

Performer: Donald Gee

Jameson (Age: Not specified, Male)

Performer: John Horton (1937)

Ward (Age: Not specified, Male)

Performer: Simon Ward

John Henry (Age: Not specified, Male)

Performer: Sylvester Williams

Stanley (Rear Column) (Age: Not specified, Male)

Performer: Michael Forrest (1932 - 2004)

Boy (The Rear Column) (Age: Not Specified)

This character did not appear in the original play.

Performer: Alrick Riley (1964)

Linked Awards

No award have been added to this production record yet.


Clive Francis's website, memoir of working on the production (URL)

Type: Website

External Link:

A clip from the BBC production of Simon Gray's The Rear Column (URL)

Type: Video

External Link:


BBC Genome entry for The Rear Column


Accessed 14 January 2021

imdv entry for The Rear Column


Accessed 14 January 2021