Sunday AM
Sunday AM

Sunday AM (2007)

Sunday AM

Interview (TV)

Channel BBC One
Broadcast Date 8 July 2007
Broadcast time 09:00:00
Length (minutes) 60
Black and White No
Series Unknown
Broadcast Notes

An interview with Harold Pinter comes in at around the 13 minute mark in this weekly news and current affairs programme. Pinter talks about the Palestinian cause, his Nobel acceptance speech, America foreign policy, and his pessimistic expectations of the incoming Prime Minister Gordon Brown. There is reference to the revival of Betrayal at the Donmar and discussion of the play, and of the production of Sleuth.

Language English

Linked Productions

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Linked People

Andrew Marr

Creative | Interviewer

Harold Pinter (1930 - 2008)

Creative | Interviewee

Linked Organisations

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Linked Awards

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Learning On Screen, full broadcast (subscription required) (Video)

Type: Broadcast

External Link:


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