À la recherche du temps perdu
À la recherche du temps perdu

À la recherche du temps perdu (1922)

À la recherche du temps perdu

Marcel Proust

Prose (fiction)


A fictionalised biography formed of seven volumes and written between 1871 and 1922. The narrator recalls childhood with wonder. He worries, as he ages and experiences humanity’s folly, that time is always being lost and the world has no meaning. He realises, at the end, that memory lets him re-access all that was lost. Writing also does this, so he writes the book you’ve been reading.

Date of Composition: 1909 - 1922

Linked Works

The Proust Screenplay

The Proust Screenplay [radio script]

Remembrance of Things Past

Linked Places

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Grasset and Gallimard on (1913)

Publication, in French, continued in volumes until 1927.


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Huffington Post Website



Summary of the novel is taken and adapted from Colton Valentine's TL; DR: Marcel Proust's In Search Of Lost Time which is part of a précis Valentine published in the 'Arts & Culture' section of the media organisation's website [accessed 6 September 2018].




Accessed 30 January 2019.