Dialogue for Three
Dialogue for Three

Dialogue for Three (1959)

Dialogue for Three

Harold Pinter

Play script


A dialogue between two men and a woman. The first man tells wildly extravagant stories of exotic adventure to the second man (who only gets in one line) while the woman puts questions to him about whether he thinks her too feminine, too masculine or not masculine enough, and reminds him of their first meeting. This sketch was first performed on BBC Radio in 1964.

Browse productions of Dialogue for Three in the database

Date of Composition: 1959   Confidence Level  

Linked Works

The Hothouse

Baker and Ross note on p. 38 of their bibliographical history of Pinter's work, 'The third piece of dialogue' in the sketch, 'a rambling reminiscence about a man called House Peters, had been employed as one of Roote's speeches in The Hothouse'.

Linked Places

No Linked places have been added to this work record yet.


Eyre Methuen on (4 May 1978)

Appears in 'Plays: Three', 1st edition.

Methuen London Ltd on (1986)

Appears in Plays: Three, reprint.

Stand on (1963)

Appears in vol. 6, issue 3.

Methuen Drama on (1989)

Appears in 'Plays: Three', reprint.


1st Man (Age: Not specified, Male)

Source: Harold Pinter: Plays 3 [1997], p. 233

2nd Man (Age: Not specified, Male)

Source: Harold Pinter: Plays 3 [1997], p. 233

Woman (Dialogue for Three) (Age: Not specified, Female)


Full text on Drama Online (URL)

Type: Script

External Link: https://www.dramaonlinelibrary.com/plays/dialogue-for-three-iid-129838

Subscription required


Martin Esslin's Pinter the Playwright

Martin Esslin, Pinter the Playwright, 6th edn (London: Methuen, 2000)

Academic book

The summary of the sketch provided above is taken, with slight alteration, from Esslin's own description on p. 226.

William Baker and John C. Ross's Biographical History of Harold Pinter's Work

William Baker and John C. Ross, Harold Pinter: A Bibliographical History (London: British Library; New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2005)


On p. 38 Baker and Ross provide information about the publication of the sketch and its link to Pinter's play The Hothouse.

Harold Pinter's Official Website



Information about date of composition (finished) taken from site's webpage for Pinter's plays [accessed 20 October 2019].