Mansfield Park
Mansfield Park

Mansfield Park (1814)

Mansfield Park

Jane Austen

Prose (fiction)


The novel tells the story of Fanny Price, starting when her overburdened family sends her at age ten to live in the household of her wealthy aunt and uncle and following her development into early adulthood.

Adapted for screen in 1999. Harold Pinter played Sir Thomas Bertram.

Date of Composition: 1814

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Thomas Egerton on (July 1814)


Fanny Price (Mansfield Park) (Age: Unknown, Female)

Mrs Price/Lady Bertram (Mansfield Park) (Age: Unknown, Female)

Mrs Norris (Mansfield Park) (Age: Unknown, Female)

Sir Thomas Bertram (Mansfield Park) (Age: Unknown, Male)

Tom Bertram (Mansfield Park) (Age: Unknown, Male)

Edmund Bertram (Mansfield Park) (Age: Unknown, Male)

Maria Bertram (Mansfield Park) (Age: Unknown, Female)

Julia Bertram (Mansfield Park) (Age: Unknown, Female)

Dr Grant (Age: Unknown, Male)

Mrs Grant (Age: Unknown, Female)

Henry Crawford (Mansfield Park) (Age: Unknown, Male)

Mary Crawford (Mansfield Park) (Age: Unknown, Female)

Yates (Mansfield Park) (Age: Unknown, Male)

William Price (Age: Unknown, Male)

Mr Price (Mansfield Park) (Age: Unknown, Male)

Susan Price (Mansfield Park) (Age: Unknown, Female)

Lady Stornoway (Age: Unknown, Female)

Mr Rushworth (Mansfield Park) (Age: Unknown, Male)

Mrs Rushworth (Age: Unknown, Female)

Baddeley (Age: Unknown, Male)


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