Harold Pinter
Play script
Two civil servants discuss the hecatombs of death that would follow a nuclear attack and arrogantly determine the exact numbers to be expected 'precisely'.
Date of Composition: 1983
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Appears in 'The Big One: An Anthology of Original Sketches, Poems, Cartoons and Songs on the Theme of Peace', edited by Susannah York and Bill Bachle.
First publication in America.
Source: Harold Pinter: Plays 4 [2005], p. 215
Source: Harold Pinter: Plays 4 [2005], p. 215
Type: Script
External Link: https://www.dramaonlinelibrary.com/plays/precisely-iid-134591
Subscription required
Specific day, month and year of publication retrieved from vendor's website [accessed 16 November 2017].
Martin Esslin, Pinter the Playwright, sixth edition (London: Methuen, 2000)
Academic book
The summary of the sketch provided above is taken from Esslin's own description on p.227.