Harold Pinter
Play script
Two torturers address a man who sits, blindfolded and speechless, on a chair confronting them. They discuss what they are going to do to him and assure each other that they feel 'pure' because they are 'keeping the world clean for democracy' (Esslin).
Date of Composition: 1991 Confidence Level
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Issue 37 (Autumn I99I): 251-254.
American acting edition.
Volume 5 (I99I): I-3.
Vol. 8., Issue 8 (November 1991): 28-30.
Appears in Party Time and The New World Order: Two Plays by Harold Pinter.
Appears in The Dwarfs and Nine Revue Sketches. American acting edition, extended version.
Source: Harold Pinter: Plays 4 [2005], p. 271
Source: Harold Pinter: Plays 4 [2005], p. 271
Source: Harold Pinter: Plays 4 [2005], p. 271
Type: Script
External Link: https://www.dramaonlinelibrary.com/plays/the-new-world-order-iid-134604
Subscription required
William Baker and John C. Ross, Harold Pinter: A Bibliographical History (London: British Library; New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2005)
Baker and Ross provide the publication information for the play script (pp. 99-100, 52-53 and p. 272).
Martin Esslin, Pinter the Playwright, 6th edn (London: Methuen, 2000)
Academic book
The summary of the sketch provided above is taken, and adapted slightly, from Esslin's own description (p. 227).
The day and month of publication for the Dramatists Play Service edition taken from vendor's webpage for the collection [accessed 19 February 2019].
The day and month of publication for the Grove edition taken from vendor's webpage for the collection [accessed 19 February 2019].