A Slight Ache (Mercury Theatre)
A Slight Ache (Mercury Theatre)

A Slight Ache (Mercury Theatre) (2010)

A Slight Ache (Mercury Theatre)

A Slight Ache (1958)

Multi-part Production A Slight Ache and The Lover
Date from

4 November 2010

Date to

20 November 2010

No of Performances Unknown
Language English


Main Theatre, Mercury Theatre (Est. 1972)

04-Nov-2010 to 20-Nov-2010

Linked Productions

The Lover (Mercury Theatre) (2010)


Linked People

Sara Perks

Creative | Set Designer

'Designer' in the programme, implying also costume designer.

Richard Godin

Creative | Lighting Designer

Marcus Christensen

Creative | Sound Designer

Nicholas Barton-Wines

Creative | Assistant Director

Gari Jones

Creative | Director

Linked Organisations

Mercury Theatre (Producing & Receiving House | Est. 1972)

Balkerne Gate, Colchester, Essex, South East CO1 1PT, England



Edward (Age: Not specified, Male)

Performer: Andrew Neil

Flora (Age: Not specified, Female)

Performer: Dee Evans

Matchseller (Age: Not specified, Male)

Performer: Graeme Brookes

Linked Awards

No award have been added to this production record yet.


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