Channel | Unknown |
Broadcast Date | 20 February 1967 |
Broadcast time | 21:05:00 |
Length (minutes) | 60 |
Black and White | Yes |
Series | Unknown |
Episode | |
Broadcast Notes | BBC Television produced Pinter’s A Slight Ache, A Night Out and The Basement in a triple bill in the Theatre 625 strand. |
Language | Unknown |
Creative | Director
Production | Producer
Creative | Designer
Performer: Derek Godfrey (1924 - 1983)
Performer: Kika Markham (1940)
Performer: Harold Pinter (1930 - 2008)
No award have been added to this production record yet.
Type: Interview
External Link:
Diss reminisces on the production of The Basement.
Type: DVD
External Link:
This broadcast is included in the 2019 BFI/BBC box set.
T5/873 file, BBC Written Archives Centre
Library archive
Radio Times, 16 February 1967 (illustrated article, p. 21; listing, p. 27)